Does the logic you stand on clarify the world around you?


Modern problems require modern solutions.

This statement prompted an internal thought experiment in my brain. I love when a statement can bring up a chasm of ideas, questions, hypothesis and conclusions.

The question I’d like the reader to continue to ask is: Does the logic you stand on clarify the world around you?

It’s very hard to remember what it’s like to not know something, once you know it.

We see throughout history tools rediscovered – something we refer to as ‘artifacts’. We are then tested to see these objects in the lens of yesterday. Separating whatever experience and knowledge has shaped our thinking thus far, in order to see the usefulness and purpose from a time we can only merely speculate on.

Acheulean handaxes, pictured, are large, teardrop shaped objects which represent the oldest, most common & longest-used formally working tool ever made by human beings. Dating back to the end of the Stone Age – more than 1.5 million years ago.

The fascinating thing about these objects’ is that we do not know what they were used for. Scientists have speculated maps, weapons, chopping devices, sexual displays.

What’s interesting is – how in becoming ignorant; we gain knowledge.

Once again, it’s very hard to remember what it’s like to NOT know something, once you know it.

This kind of detachment & reevaluation is not only important when looking at history but also modern day.

Does the logic you stand on clarify the world around you?

Modern society has changed incredibly from what is once was. However, we are plagued today to look back at history from a lens of our known familiar.  We can’t help but not. 

Our grandparents familiar is different than ours, which is different than their great great grandparents. Our foods different. Our waters different. Heck, even our light is different – the light bulb was only created in 1879.  That’s just 144 years ago.

Our world is unconsciously vast, ever-changing and we exist (momentarily) in this microcosm of time.

I attribute this change to innovation, knowledge, curiosity and power.

Because we have changed so much and continue to everyday with each new thought, we must adapt, remain creative and predict what’s to come next, otherwise we risk being left behind.  Or will we?

I’ve had this thought lately. About humankind. And this analogy of a race keeps circling my mind (no pun intended). We are running a sprint with all of Nature – except it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. And Mother Nature knows it a marathon, just like the sun knows it’s a marathon and the ocean, the birds, the trees all know it’s a marathon. But we (you, me, humankind) do not. We are running so fast we have lost sight of our pact and we find ourselves running alone, with no end in sight. We aren’t apart of the team, heck, you can hardly count us in the race. 

We are disconnected.. At least I can feel it. Between myself and the earth. I try and make it a priority to exit from the hustle of the everyday to experience Her rhythm and pulse but still I am restless.

We’ve been bred to be in a hurry. To run as fast as we can, to never stop or we will lose. But look around.. Look at nature… Does anything operate at 100% of its capacity 24/7? No –nothing does. Nature understands this concept, its ancient wisdom. It is how it has kept itself from imploding all these billions of years.

Humankind is motivated by desires. The media (technology) portrays an idealized way of a living that makes us want more. We see others living a life that champions material things, excessive work and manipulation.  We hold the most corrupt to the highest esteem.

I understand these opinions may be controversial but I have meditated on them for many years. My intention is not to say them rashly or whippingly. These are not meant to bruise the reader’s motivation or ideals but rather inspire. Perhaps indulge in another way of thought. A way of thinking that inspires you to look inside yourself and come to conclusions that bring you the most clarity.

Does the logic you stand on clarify the world around you?

The question I probe to you is this:

Is forward progress always growth?

Does it always benefit the whole?

Is the becoming more clarifying for you with each passing day or does it merely encourage the entropic spirally nature of your mind?

Modern problems require modern solutions.

What constitutes a solution as modern? If there’s one thing I know – it’s that I don’t know anything. 

I know:

I know I am Love and am loved.

I know filtered water tastes better than tap water.

I know my pillow is more comfortable than yours.

I know the ocean waves relax my nervous system.

I know I am bad at math.

I know speaking through my issues provides solutions.

I believe:

I am here for a reason.

I am not the one pulling the strings for my future but rather allowing what is ready to manifest, manifest.

I am becoming a better version of myself every day.

My potential is greater than I can possibly dream.

The harder I work in an area that speaks to me, the greater I am pulled to my potential.

If I am nice to others, the universe will reward me.

If I am fair and honest, the universe will reward me.