Grounding | New Research on Health Benefits for Our Bodies

What is grounding or earthing? You may have heard of this up-and-coming concept on social media, from your weirdly spiritual friend or maybe even your therapist. Sometimes viewed as ‘woo-woo’ but gaining momentum in the clinical sciences field as an effective treatment for a multitude of ailments.
Grounding is simply getting in direct contact with the surface of the Earth through your bare feet, hands or entire body. You can walk barefoot on grass, soil, sand, gravel or concrete (but not asphalt) or with various grounding systems. You can swim in the ocean, a lake or any other natural bodies of water. You can hug a tree, cross a riverbed or simply just take your shoes off at the top of a hike. My favorite is swimming in the ocean since you get a dose of minerals too.
Grounding / Earthing
- Lower stress
- Increase energy
- Reduce Migraines
- Reduce Inflammation
- Reduce/eliminate chronic pain
- Improve blood pressure and flow
- Normalize the body’s biological rhythms
- Improve sleep and promote a deeper sleep
(Clinical evidence HERE for more detail)
In this article, I will go into detail on how grounding directly interacts in each of these processes through evidence-based research and clinical trial evidence. So, sit back, kick off your shoes, find a nice tree to sit under and let’s dive in.
The reigning hypothesis is that connecting the body to the Earth enables free electrons from the Earth’s surface to spread over and into the body, where they can absorb through into the body and deliver antioxidant effects. In this post I will focus on 3 main benefits that these free electrons can provide us in our bodily system.
1. Managing Free Radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species)
2. Maintaining proper blood flow and blood pressure
3. Regulating Cortisol Rhythm
Free radicals (ROS) are “oxidants” meaning they have just lost an electron and are now looking anyway to get that electron back. An excess of electrons can overwhelm already established antioxidants in the body and tip the battle in the negative direction (bdum chu). Enter newly absorbed free electrons (via grounding).

An excess of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body can cause cell damage and thus creating inflammation. Absorbing free electrons via grounding can help manage this.
These free electrons are absorbed from the earth and easily able to pair with radicals/ROS’s to bring them back to cellular stability. Any amount of grounding will help, but the more ROS or inflammation you have–>the better you are to ground.
Many people don’t know that one of the largest ways our body regulates blood flow is via electric charge and electromagnetic signaling. Both the lining of the blood vessel and surface of red blood cells have a negative charge. This negative charge is IMPERATIVE for proper blood flow because it prevents coagulation. Coagulation can be thought of when RBCs “stack” or “clump” together.

In this study, grounding changes the blood viscosity. Red Blood Cells have a much greater negative charge when the body is grounded and therefore will not clump and clot together. Enter grounding, absorbing free electrons that are readily available helps maintain that optimal negative surface charge.
RBCs need to be able to flow freely to squeeze through tiny capillaries. With increased circulation, now you have more energy, more nutrients, you’re carrying away more wastes – having a tremendously positive effect on the body.

Another benefit to ground is its ability to synchronize key hormones to circadian matches.
For example, cortisol.
What is cortisol? To put it simply, cortisol influences your energy and stress, which in turn, influence the ability for you to get a restful sleep at night. Now cortisol gets a bad rap as the “stress hormone” but that’s not the whole story. We just need to tune it to have the right rhythm with our day.

Cortisol should be HIGH in the AM as it is the hormone that provides wakefulness and LOW in the PM so that you can easily fall asleep. Grounding helps regulate cortisol rhythms in that it signals to your body’s internal clock (SCN) the right electromagnetic information of where in the world you are so it can synchronize to the day/night cycle. In this study, grounding the body at night during sleep shows positive effects towards morning fatigue levels, daytime energy, and nighttime pain levels.
As you now understand, grounding is a vastly researched anti-inflammatory option to implement into your daily life. And may just be the best antioxidant that exists because it comes with ZERO downsides/side effects and is 100% free and easily accessible.
My current perspective on grounding and earthing is twofold.
It seems like a no brainer. Get outside and be barefoot. Yes. Period.
Although, as I learn more and more about this energetic approach to life, I understand that we are all beings of energy. Intuitively, it is natural for me to lean into this sort of philosophy of the world – looking at things from a quantum or molecular perspective.
Prana. Chi. Holy Spirit. Inner Wind. Qi. Pure Energy. Life Force.
There is an energy around all of us that we can actually tap into. And somehow by taking the attention off of ourselves -for example, through meditation – and putting it towards nothingness, we can connect to this energy.
For me, this energy work provides a whole new lens of understanding. A way deeper fullness and richness is created, connecting my inner being to my place in the Earth. I am currently reading the book “The Body Electric”, in which I feel like I will be able to fully articulate my thoughts to make more coherent sense. But for now, this is where I am.
Clint Ober, creator of Earthing, says “The human body is primarily electrical. Our brain, our muscles, our heartbeat, our thoughts; everything in our body is electrical first, chemical second”. Ober is a retired cable TV Executive whose funded a dozen studies on this topic for over more than a decade. Clint Ober’s research was sparked over concern with our modern life and how it has disconnected most of us from the Earth.
He continues “In 1960, we invented plastics and the first thing we did was put them on the sole of our shoes, then we started carpeting our homes and building bigger homes, with upstairs and moving away from this natural ground source.”
The result of Ober’s research is Earthing; a way to reconnect to the Earths energy.
Things you should probably be doing (that cost $0):
– Grounding / Earthing
– Sun exposure (sunlight)
– Cold exposure (ice bath, if available)
– Breathwork / Meditation
– Trigger sessions
– Walks (especially after meals)
– Watch the sunset/sunrise
– Unplug Wi-Fi before bed
– Low Light after sunset (no overhead light)
-Turn phone to red tint 2-3 hours before bed – HOW TO Video – on iPhone
– Crack windows in car while driving (full spectrum light) Source: Matt Maruca
– Find A Spring – Use Find A Spring to visit the best cold and hot springs
– Learn about different herbs + their healing properties + forage in nature
Grounding Technology – Various grounding systems are available for purchase that enable frequent contact with the Earth (ex: sleeping, sitting at a computer, or walking outdoors). These are simple conductive systems in the form of sheets, mats, wrist or head/ankle bands that can be used inside the home or office. These applications are connected to the Earth via a cord inserted into a grounded wall outlet or attached via a ground rod placed in the soil outside below a window.
For Footwear – A conductive plug is positioned in the shoe sole at the ball of the foot, under the metatarsals, (also at the acupuncture point known as Kidney). In this study, the researchers demonstrated that grounding reduces and even prevents the cardinal signs of inflammation following injury: redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function. Rapid resolution of painful chronic inflammation was confirmed in 20 case studies using medical infrared imaging.
EMF Blocking Tent: FaradayLabz™ Silver EMF Protection Bed Canopy – Faraday Labz
Cornet EMF Reader:
Earthing Book:
**Healthy Grounded Headband: Healthy & Grounded Alternative Products for Whole Life Wellness (
Earthing bedsheet, pillowcases and more: Earthing® & Grounding Products | The Original Grounding Innovators
Mitolife Grounding Bedsheets: GROUNDING TECHNOLOGY – MITOLIFE
Additional Information: Grounding Technology: Earthing sheets, Mats & more (