A Traumatic Brain Injury at 19 Years Old
Interesting choice. Ha, just kidding, this is a good one. 😉
In 2017, I endured a traumatic brain injury that severed the majority of nerve endings in the right hemisphere of my brain (yes, half of my head is numb).
Luckily, I came out of it unaffected with the exception of a pretty gnarly scar above my right eyebrow. Remarkably, this incident didn’t result in any cognitive impairment. This fascinated me and I had to know why.

As time went by, I developed this theory that I was actually getting smarter (there is reliable science on the topic of Neuroplasticity to back up this theory of mine).
To make a long story short, this paradoxical effect motivated me to delve into the complexities of neuroscience, hoping to understand the underlying mechanisms behind the brain’s adaptive capabilities.
As fate would have it, I became acquainted with a fairly prestigious Neuroscientist from Stanford – who has since shaped into a mentor of mine. Teaching me the ways of the brain and behavioral sciences and eventually (fast forwarding to the present) offering me a job to work under his guidance at his Non-Profit.
As my journey unfolded, it didn’t just steer me towards understanding neuroscience – it also took me into the world of nature-al medicine. More specifically, holistic nutrition, alternative health practices, and (my favorite) self-realization.
I discovered how thoughts and disease are interconnected.
Grounded in curiosity – I found myself inspired with a new way of living – in synergy with nature.
What is synergy? As I explain in my bio – It is where the sum of the total is more than the sum of the parts considered individually. E.g. 2+2 may not equal 4. It may equal 5, or 6, or 7 or much larger. An example – No one could foresee that combining soft copper with even softer tin could and does produce stiff, hard, resilient bronze. Often there is a ‘magic’ in nature when you combine a number of things together – an extra “something” appears. This is synergy. This extra “something” is what you get when you eat whole foods, as opposed to individual supplements.
I write this to you – the reader – on a mission to reframe basic principles of light, grounding, circadian biology, and non-toxic living.
My goal is to share easy non-toxic recipes for everyday items to recreate a home and provide practical tips for living a healthy life – backed by research studies, clinical trials and my own personal experience.
My journey finds its aesthetic in both scientific exploration and a profound connection to the natural world – a balance I’m dedicated to sharing with others.
Anyways, thank you for reading. May peace, light and perfect health follow you in all that you do.