Unpopular Opinion About the Wellness Community
Constantly dwelling on the idea that everything around us is out to harm our health is not constructive. This thought pattern can imprison us in a negative mindset and push us further away from any goal we initially set for ourselves. Fearmongering comes in many forms. Be aware of it from all angles.

The mainstream is determined to convince the general public to ‘trust the science/medical care professional’ (really anyone but yourself). This stance comes off more obviously destructive and less in tune with the earth- especially to those of us hoping to live more harmoniously with her.
Whereas, the alternative health community seem set on being everything that the mainstream is not, at times creating an environment of chaos, confusion, and anything but ease. Fine tooth combing our life, focusing on the seemingly ‘insignificant’; making you feel guilty for not bringing a dirty electricity filter while on vacation.
Fear doesn’t empower anyone. It took me a while to recognize this truth, and it’s a lesson I continue to learn daily.
In a world of instant gratification, true contentment lies in prioritizing peace of mind, financial stability, and mental well-being. Yes, we all want to be healthy, but that does not mean breaking the bank or compromising what feels intuitively healthy in order to follow whatever popular majority you subscribe to. You’re not missing out by not keeping up with every wellness trend or influencer dictate. Your own intuition matters.
Listening and sharing knowledge to help others is one thing but tirelessly lecturing your (potentially targeted) stance on what it means to be ‘healthy’ can foster a false sense of inner being.
One-size-fits-all diets are a myth. Plant-based might work for some, while others thrive on more animal products. Divisiveness over food choices is draining and illogical.
Ask yourself: Who and What am I fighting for?
Then, determine for yourself how much control you have over the opinion of others (spoiler alert: it’s none). 😉
We’re privileged to have food on our plates, a roof over our heads and a community to share in life’s delicious abundance. None of us are perfect or have all the answers.
Cultivating a sense of humility, open-mindedness, gratitude, and compassion has the power to bridge gaps and guide us towards life’s most enriching moments. This clarity empowers you to seamlessly integrate each piece into the ongoing puzzle of life you assemble every day.

It’s in our own reflection that we find our true wellness journey. <3